6 Online Marketing Principles that Apply 2018

6 Online Marketing Principles that Apply 2018 - Hello friend Business Finance, In the article that you read this time with the title 6 Online Marketing Principles that Apply 2018, we have prepared this article well for you to read and retrieve information in it. hopefully fill in the post Article Marketing and Advertising, what we write can you understand. OK, happy reading.

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6 Online Marketing Principles that Apply 2018

Today the online and digital world impacts every business. At one time it was optional for a business to have a website and overall web presence. That use to be a strategic decision that had to be thought about and considered just like any other capital investment for a business. Today an online presence is an absolute must... or else.

Online Business Presence in Modern Digital World - Marketing and Advertising
I have come up with 6 online marketing and digital world principles that have an impact on every single business that exists today. Whether you like it or not the modern world has demanded that the digital world is included in every business venture.

6 Online Marketing and Digital World Principles Relevant to Every Modern Day Business

  1. Every Business Needs a Website or a Home Online - If your company does not have a website it is being punished whether you want to believe it or not. At the very least a business needs a place on the web that is dedicated to their cause and available for their customers. Even a 13 yr old boy cutting lawns in the summer will do better with a website that lists some general info about his services and how to get in contact with him if interested. Customers will be frustrated at best if they are not able to get some basic answers about a business by searching online. On the other end of the spectrum those businesses that go the extra mile to make life easier, faster, cheaper, and better through online information, tools, services, and other useful internet based assets are rewarded by more customers, more sales, and more money. This brings me to the 2nd principle.
  2. Customers Expect Fast, Easy, Reliable, and intuitive Business Websites - Today's consumers expect to get an answer instantly and effortlessly to any question they have by simply finding your website online. A company site needs to load quickly and have an easy o use and understand design and structure. Websites need to be developed and built in a way that anticipates the customers need. 
  3. Customers Judge Your Business From Their Web Experience - You may have the best customer service in the entire world but if your website frustrates your customers then your business and customer service frustrates your customers. Your website experience is just as important as your product and or service experience.
  4. Online Reputation can Make or Break a Company in an Instant - Today's customer is an informed customer. Most people will research a business or product before pulling out their credit card to purchase. Having just one or two bad reviews could potentially sink your sales numbers if they dominate the search engines. You must monitor your  online reputation continuously. Utilize smart SEO strategies to keep the good stuff front and center.
  5. Captivating Quality Content Customers Find Useful Always Wins - Online users have no patience when it comes to searching the web for information. You have 2-3 seconds to win over your online customer. It's imperative that you create gripping content that users find helpful. If people consistently hit the back button when finding you in the search engines you will quickly disappear from the Google search results.
  6. Social Media Matters - A good business needs to participate and invest in developing a social media presence. Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest focused advertising efforts can have very unpredictable results. A video or photo that goes viral can change your life and the future of your business. It certainly can't be ignored.

The connected world and marketplace we currently find ourselves in have been fueled and built online with incredible speed. The advancements and new technologies that result from these efforts are mind boggling. I strongly encourage folks to embrace these movements and encourage the momentum by joining in the efforts. It is worth it to every business owner and entrepreneur to take their online presence to the next level. I have a great post on how to start an online business. I woul also encourage you to write a business plan before starting an online business. I recommend using a professional business plan guide and template. Don't skip the business plan process there are lots of reasons you need a business plan.

This is the article 6 Online Marketing Principles that Apply 2018

So many articles 6 Online Marketing Principles that Apply 2018 this time, hopefully it can benefit you all. OK, see you in another article.

You are now reading the article 6 Online Marketing Principles that Apply 2018 with the link address https://businessfinance2012.blogspot.com/2018/08/6-online-marketing-principles-that.html

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