By Unknown Friday, January 28, 2011 Debt economy Finance financial news loan modification mortgage The US Economy Fires Up to End 2010 The GDP growth rose considerably to a annual rate of 3.2% up from the previous 2.6% The market seems to be doing pretty well and those GDP n...
By Unknown Thursday, January 27, 2011 Debt Debt Solutions Finance loan modification make home affordable mortgage Mortgage Modification How to Get an Affordable Loan Modification If you are a homeowner who wants to reduce their mortgage payment via the Obama mortgage modification program known as HAMP the Home Afforda...
By Unknown Friday, November 26, 2010 Debt Debt Solutions Finance loan modification personal finance tips Three Foreclosure Soloutions 3 Foreclosure Options I wanted to explore three great foreclosure alternatives for homeowners in financial hardship. Deed in lieu of Foreclo...
By Unknown November 26, 2010 Debt Debt Solutions Finance finance industry loan modification obama loan modification personal finance tips Homeowners Can Stop Foreclosure Many homeowners are finding themselves staring down the barrel of mortgage default and a looming foreclosure sale. There are a lot of homeow...
By Unknown November 26, 2010 Debt Debt Solutions Finance loan modification personal finance tips Modification Basics Loan Modification Loan Modification is the restructuring of the existing payment terms of a loan, most commonly used to salvage a nonperfor...